
Hi, my name is Stephen Bevan and I am Principal at Madeley Primary School in Perth, Western Australia. Research shows that open and clear communication between home and school is important which is why I have created this blog. As Principal of Madeley Primary School I value your opinions and encourage your comments. Feel free to comment on any of the posts. Comments are moderated prior to going live on the blog.

I will endeavour to provide you with regular and informative posts about our school and its activities. I ask that your comments be constructive and positive with any concerns or complaints directed to me personally at school.

Madeley Primary School prides itself on the positive, open and friendly culture that has been established. Our core values of Curriculum, Community and Care are guiding principles that shape our school.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


 Have you ever had trouble getting started on something that you really don't feel like doing? You know the lawn needs mowing or the shirts need ironing or the car needs fixing, but you are tired and have other things to distract you and entertain you that are far more interesting. The desire to get started is made even more challenging when the task you need to do is difficult or there will be problems that you know you will have to solve. This is the same feeling that many students have when they are required to engage in learning activities in school. Self-motivation is a key value for students to develop if they are going to overcome challenges and achieve their personal best. Self-motivation is...
"the ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations. People with self motivation can find a reason and strength to complete a task, even when challenging, without giving up or needing another to encourage them."
 Some ways that adults and children can develop self-motivation include:
  • reflecting on your motives 
  • setting personal/group goals which are attainable but challenging
  • practicing being positive
  • breaking big tasks into smaller parts
  • getting help from others - for support and/or accountability

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